Sunday 7 April 2013

Perquisites taxable in the Hand of Specified and Non Specified Employees.

 Perquisites taxable in the Hand of Specified and Non Specified  Employees.

            Nature of perquisite                                            Tax ability  

  • Rent Free Accommodation                                                                           All
  • Watch man/Gardner/Sweeper/Personal Attendant employed                         All
          By employee Reimbursed by employer 
  • Watch man/Gardner/Sweeper/Personal Attendant employed                For Specified Only
           by employer
  •  Gas, Electricity, Water for Household consumption and connection                All
             In name of  employee
  • Gas, Electricity, Water for Household consumption and connection       For Specified Only  In name of  employer

    • Education Facilities for employee children                                             All
    • Interest Fees/Concessional rates loan                                                   All
    • ESOP under approved Scheme                                 Not taxable for any one
    • use and transfer of assets                                                                     All
Valuation Of perquisites specified   employee:-
Condition for specified employee (any one)
  1.  Director
  2. 20% or more voting right in company
  3. Monetary salary exceeds Rs. 50000/- after deduction of sec.16
Non Specified Employee :-
Any Employee who doesn't fulfill any of condition of specified employee is a non specified employee

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