Thursday 4 April 2013

Important topics for SM for CA-IPCC Student for May 2013

               Important topics for  SM for CA-IPCC Student  for  May 2013

SM :-
           Chapter 7 - Six Sigma, TQM &Traditional Mgt.Practices,Benchmarking                                 Process,Rationale  of  BPR. 

          Chapter 6 - Diff. b/w Strategy Formulation &Implementation, SBU, Matrix Structure, Network Structure and Value Chain Analysis. 

         Chapter 5 - Penetration & Skimming Pricing,Marketing Mix, Marketing Strategy Techniques,Implementing Supply Chain Mgt.System. 

      Chapter 4 - Corporate Strategy Formulation implementation process, Various Grand
Strategies, Concentric & Conglomerate Diversification, Turnaround Strategy.

    Chapter 3 - GE Model, Ansoff'sMatrix, Product Life Cycle, Common Driving Forcesand BCG. 
   Chapter 1 & 2 - Strategic levels in organization,Mission & Vision, Objectives & goals, Task of
Strategic Mgt., Generic Strategic Alternatives,Definition of Strategy, Porter's Five forces model,
Kieretsus, Manifestation of globalization.


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